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Декабрь 2017

К чему снится что умерла мама?
Психология   ·     ·    0

Переживать смерть близких, даже во сне, очень тяжело и болезненно. Если приснилось, что умерла мама, не нужно впадать в панику: толкование не...

Приснилась кровь, к чему снится кровь, узнать значение сна
Психология   ·     ·    0

Узнать о том, к чему снится много крови, можно в различных сонниках. У каждого из них имеются свои особенности трактовки видения, хотя во...

Upper Back Pain During Pregnancy
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Many people focus on pre-natal lower back pain. However, there are also a fair number of women who experience upper back pain (thoracic spine). A woman has to face some discomfort during pregnancy. Experiencing back pains is one of the most common discomforts...

Spotting in Late Pregnancy
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Spotting is a common problem for pregnant women, with as many as 20 percent of pregnancies experiencing spotting at some point during the first trimester. During the second trimester, the glandular cells on the cervix will fall off, which may also cause such...

When Do You Start Showing?
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One thing a woman wonders when she gets a positive pregnancy test is “When will I start showing?” The time of starting showing depends on several factors, but most women begin to show during the second trimester. You might feel as though you are showing...

Causes and Remedies for Rib Pain During Pregnancy
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If you are in your third trimester, you probably thought you had already experienced enough pain like hip pain, backaches and ligament pain. Now, you can add one more to your list, rib pain. When you start feeling short of breath, and having pains in your...

When Do Your Breasts Start Leaking During Pregnancy?
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A frequently asked question by pregnant women is: when do your breasts start leaking during pregnancy? While others do not notice any leaking until after the birth of their baby, some women produce colostrum, a yellowish, thick liquid in their breasts. This...

I Am Carrying Twins. Is C-section Inevitable?
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Pregnancy with twins is generally considered as a high-risk pregnancy. Doctors depend on C-section when the pregnancy falls under “high risk”. As the delivery of the twins is more often preterm, it is essential to understand the delivery options. This...

10 Potential Complications With Twin/Multiple Pregnancies
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When you are expecting twins or multiple babies, it is very essential to understand some potential complications which may be observed during twin or multiple pregnancies. A twin pregnancy is a double blessing, but it can also carry greater risks than being...

What Should I Know When I Am Pregnant With Twins?
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Have you just discovered that you’re pregnant with twins? Congratulations! This may not fall on your ears if you are completely taken aback by the news. No wonder you have taken a while to fully realize the fact. Don’t get obsessed about it. One in every...

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