
Bleeding After Sex During Early Pregnancy
Is It Normal to Bleed After Sex During Early Pregnancy? After getting a green signal from your doctor, you can continue your sex life during pregnancy. Though it could be a little scary when you start to bleed after sex, there is no need to be panic. Bleeding...

Blurry Vision in Pregnancy: Causes and Management
During pregnancy the common symptoms a female expect are pain in lower back or morning sickness. However, you may be surprised to have vision changes such as a blurry vision pregnancy. The physical and hormonal changes of pregnancy may have an effect on your...

Should I Worry about Sharp Breast Pain in Pregnancy?
Pregnancy is an exciting journey for all women even though it is riddled with lots of issues that can cause pain and discomfort. Sharp breast pain pregnancy is one of them and is very common. Tenderness, soreness, swelling and pain in the breasts are one of...

Low Amniotic Fluid
Amniotic fluid is essential to the life of your baby while he is still in your womb. His lung, limb, muscle, and digestive development are all made possible by this fluid. It also allows him more freedom to move in your womb as his body undergoes more...

Upper Abdominal Pain When Pregnant: Causes and Remedies
The period of pregnancy calls for a wide range of different experiences, some of which are expected and some may be a little unexpected or unpredictable. Starting from morning sickness to body pain and grumpy mood, a woman can virtually experience any symptom...

Cervical mucus after Implantation
Being a mother is a pleasure and glory that every women want to experience. But the process is not that easy. A lot of ups and downs are to be dealt with. And one thing that plays an important role in conceiving is cervical mucus. Cervical mucus nourishes and...

Types of watery discharge: Causes and Treatment
Vaginal discharge is absolutely normal for women, and this discharge is the body’s way of cleansing the vagina of any harmful bacteria. In most cases, clear watery discharge is normal and indicates that the body is doing its job. It only means that the pH...

Triphasic Chart and Pregnancy
For couples planning a baby, and those waiting to hear the ‘good news’, small indications or signs can usher in a lot of positivity. Once such happy indication is a triphasic chart. The fertility charting community across the globe hails the triphasic...

Low Iron during Pregnancy: Causes and Treatment
Can Low Iron Cause Miscarriage? When you plan to have a baby and consult your doctor about it, you are asked to load up on prenatal multivitamins and iron tablets. Ever been curious about the importance of iron when trying to conceive? Well, here’s all you...

Why iron intake is important during pregnancy
Iron intake is essential for the body because iron is aid to produce hemoglobin to the body. Haemoglobin, the protein in RBC (Red Blood Cells) that are used to carry oxygen to the body organs and tissues present in the body. During pregnancy the body of the...