Types of watery discharge: Causes and TreatmentVaginal discharge is absolutely normal for women, and this discharge is the body’s way of cleansing the vagina of any harmful bacteria. In most cases, clear watery discharge is normal and indicates that the body is doing its job. It only means that the pH level in the vagina and the yeast and healthy bacteria are in a good balance in your body when the discharge is watery and clear.

During your cycle, this discharge will change. Some women have creamy discharge, discharge which is like an egg (ovulation) or very little discharge. The good news is that, all of these types of discharges are completely normal is not a cause for worry.

Clear watery discharge during pregnancy

Pregnancy for some women is a piece of cake. But most women undergo various symptoms and discomforts during those 9 months. One such discomfort is the constant discharge of water/fluid/urine sometimes due to the weak pelvic muscles.

Some women will see a watery discharge before taking the pregnancy test and confirming that they’re indeed pregnant. Hormonal changes are the reason for this discharge as the body prepares itself for pregnancy. The oestrogen levels shoot up immediately after fertilization which will eventually cause a major rise in the cervical mucus leading to discharge.

Abnormal watery discharge

Although watery discharge is a normal and common occurrence for all women, sometimes, certain types of discharge may indicate an infection in the body. An abnormal discharge may be in yellowish or greenish colour, lumpy in consistency, or may have a foul odour. This kind of abnormal discharge is usually caused by yeast or bacterial infection in the vagina and must be checked with the gynaecologist immediately.

Watery discharge before and after periods

Clear water discharge necessarily does not mean pregnancy. Even during ovulation, because the oestrogen levels rise up, there will be watery discharge over a period of days. It’s very fertile, meaning you can easily get pregnant if you engage in unprotected sex during this time. Our body produces thirty times more mucus than it normally does during ovulation which sometimes leaves the underwear soaked with discharge.

In most cases, women experience a clear and stretchy discharge after their period, and more specifically after intercourse. This is absolutely normal, and you can expect to have lots of discharge for several hours more too. As long as there is no odour and the discharge is clear or whitish, there is likely nothing to be concerned about.

Another instance of clear discharge sometimes happens after urination also because when the urine is pushed out of the bladder the vaginal discharge also gets pushed out sometimes. This can make the vulva feel slimy while wiping. The discharge might even continue to come out after wiping but one must ensure that it is very little in amount.

Treatment for Watery Discharge

There is no specific treatment as such for watery discharge so it is better to go the natural route and alleviate any discomfort caused by discharge. But in case of an STD or infection, it is advised to check with your doctor immediately and take the required medical treatment to stop the condition from becoming worse.

Ways to ease discomfort

Use baby wipes: Baby wipes are a great way to help keep the vagina clean and free of any bacteria. Do not insert the wipes into the vagina, just clean it on outside to remove any smell or wetness that’s causing the discomfort. Preferably, choose a wet wipe which is chemical free.

Use pads: You can use sanitary pads to ensure that the underwear stays dry and not get soaked in the discharge. Opt for thin cotton pads that are comfortable and can absorb any liquid that is expelled.

Change underwear often: If the underwear gets wet fast it is recommended to change it often to ensure there is no build-up of any bacteria as this will lead to infection.

Increase air circulation: If possible, it is highly recommended to sleep naked at night without pants or underwear. In case you are worried about wetting the bed, place a towel underneath. This airing out decreases the risk of infection and reduces irritation and discomfort.

Boost Your Immune System: Consume Natural herbs and products that can help you boost your immune system to fight off potential infection. You can also try to cleanse the urinary tract with cranberry juice to stop an infection before it progresses.