Cervical mucus after ImplantationBeing a mother is a pleasure and glory that every women want to experience. But the process is not that easy. A lot of ups and downs are to be dealt with. And one thing that plays an important role in conceiving is cervical mucus. Cervical mucus nourishes and protects the sperm as it makes its journey.

What is Cervical mucus

Cervical mucus is a fluid expelled by cervix and stimulated by hormone estrogen. Cervical mucus protects the woman body from infections and throws the bacteria out of the body in form of discharge. Mainly cervical mucus allows the sperm to swim easily into the cervix.

In order to conceive, one has to be familiar with cervical mucus to know the most fertile period and have sex accordingly.  Throughout menstrual days the quality and amount of cervical mucus changes and one can know the days which are most fertile.

Why is it important for implantation?

Cervical mucus plays a vital role in implantation. The most important role is that it facilitates the conception through fertilization even when ovulation is weeks away. In fact cervical mucus plays a very important role in nourishing, protecting and speeding up the passage of sperm through uterus to the fallopian tube, where the sperm fertilizes the egg.

Types of cervical mucus

One can check the type of cervical mucus and its fertility by holding it between two fingers. Mainly it could be of the following types.

  • Dry and sticky: This type mucus is infertile. It generally produced by cervix after menstruation period.
  • White, creamy: This is crumbly, lotion like mucus which seen during pre-ovulation period. And it is also infertile.
  • Wet and watery: This again shows the pre ovulation period but this rubbery and wet fluid is fertile.
  • Egg white and stretchy:  If you hold the fluid from tissue to your fingertip and stretch it, it would stretch one or two inches. When the cervix produces this type of fluid, it is the most fertility period.

Everybody is different and type of cervical mucus depends upon it. And according to the body type mucus has different stages and consistency.  Through the type of mucus one can identify whether the ovulation period is approaching or not yet ovulating. A stage when a cervix is producing raw egg white consistency, this can called the most fertile stage.

Cervical mucus after implantation early pregnancy

A woman’s cervical mucus is always changing throughout the pregnancy and menstrual cycle. And that is why, a lot of woman wonder what their discharge looks like after implantation. Well, it may look like little pinkish or brownish as it may contain a little blood caused by implantation.

Cervical mucus before periods

Generally thick, white and sticky fluid discharges just before periods. It does not allow the sperm to get easily insert in female cervix. So it cannot be said the right time to ovulate.

You are the one who knows your body very well. Continuous track on your discharge can also help you in detection of implantation.

What happens to cervical mucus after conception?

Once the conception ends, the cervical mucus will become progesterone-dominant. And there will be sticky cervical mucus. Though the clear cervical mucus may change its texture and become yellow in colour, it continues to remain wet cervical mucus.

However, the quantity of discharge varies women to women. But, most importantly, the cervical mucus is not abnormal in its colour and consistency.

Monitoring early pregnancy

There are many signs of pregnancy which varies within woman body such as:

  • morning sickness,
  • delay in periods,
  • mood swings,
  • nausea and vomiting,
  • breast tenderness
  • constipation
  • fainting and so on

Cervical mucus also takes some modification. A woman’s body passes through many stages. And as it approaches to ovulating period and conceives, all female organisms set themselves accordingly. Pregnancy is the period when body discharge of estrogen is high. This is called leucorrhoea. This term is used for both nonpregnant and pregnant women. Leukorrhea production increases.

Cervical mucus has a very important role in reproductive system. It is more watery and abundant when you are about to ovulate. Pregnancy is a long process and needs lots of care and cervical mucus helps you to determine it in very early stage.