Divination at Christmas betrothed: how to tell fortunes by a loved oneChristmas divination conducted from January 7, from Christmas eve, January 19, at the Baptism.

This period is considered sacred, is the weakening of the distinction between worlds, so since ancient times girls at this time guessed at her spouse, a good marriage, future children, etc., In the article we will tell you how to do it correctly at Christmas on the groom.

Should not be taken too seriously predictions, remember that for an accurate determination of their future should consult a clairvoyant.

Betrothed husband

Divination in the future groom set. We offer you to familiarize yourself with simple and interesting.

— You will need a dry towel. At night, hang it out the window and say the following words: \»Betrothed-husband, you come back with a towel to uteritis! \». In the morning touch the towel. If it is wet you will be married this year.

— For divination, you can use the book. Just choose the edition of spiritual or religious content. You can take the Bible. Ask a question that you want to get the answer. Next, sit in silence and make any page and line. For example, page 42 the fifth line from the top. Open the page and read the line.

— One of the most interesting and popular is the prediction on the cups. Guess with friends or alone. Take the seven of cups. Put in each of them, sugar, salt, a piece of bread, onion, water, a coin and a ring. Next, fasten their eyes and select one Cup at random.

If you got the bread – and-wait abundance. Salt symbolizes trouble, onion tears, sugar promises of joy and happiness, coin says about wealth, and the water – stability and peace. And the ring, as you’ve probably guessed, promises marriage and wedding.

— The mirror is the most popular subject for determining the image of the bridegroom. The old girl wondered at night in the bath, but this is not mandatory. Take two mirrors, sit in the middle, light a candle and extinguish the light. See the reflection of the mirrors. Soon you will see the shadow of the future groom. So the image disappeared, shout \»Hey, me and light the light.

Guessing on the name of a loved

Almost all the girls want to look into the future to see what groom them destined, as its name would be. The easiest way is to write on pieces of paper the names of his admirers, leaving one blank sheet, and put on a night under the pillow.

In the morning pull any piece. What is the name on it will be written and will call your future groom. An empty list means that to think about marriage yet.

At midnight go outside and stand in the middle of the road. If the first passers-by will be a man, ask her name. So they will call your betrothed. However, if the first will be a woman, you can ask the name of her son.