How to Get Over a Break UpThe worst part of any relationship is the break up. The more emotions and love that was in the relationship, the more the break up is going to hurt.

Everyone has their idea of perfect love, but finding that ideal soulmate isn’t always easy. There might be many break ups, ups and downs before that perfect love is found.

People can break your heart and it might be hard to crawl up out of that depressed state and learn to love and trust again. Getting over a break up is hard for anyone, but here are a few tips on how to get over a break up that can help you and encourage you:

Let it go. After the initial break up, there might come a time when all you’ll want to do is call up the ex and beg to take you back. Don’t do this! It’s not worth the extra pain. There was a reason for that break up, so learn to let go, move on, try to forget about all the hurt and start learning to be happy again.

Keep yourself busy. The best medicine for a broken heart is keeping the mind from wandering. If the mind is busy, then it will be easier for the heart to heal. Throw those intense emotions into work, do your job the best way you can, create a work of art, achieve great sport results…the accomplishment of a job well done will boost your confidence that was lost with the break up, so that you’ll feel better about yourself.

How to get over a break up? Talk to a friend. How to get over depression of break up? Find someone who is a good listener. Don’t hold everything inside, purge those feelings and open up your heart to your trustworthy friend; a kind word of a faithful friend will help your heart recover quicker.

How to deal with your emotions? There might be a time after a break up when you’ll feel some intense emotions, such as deep sadness, strong anger or rejection. Learn to deal with these. Release them and let them go; it will help you in the long run.

The emotional storm will pass. Instead of sinking in negative emotions and sadness, surround yourself with positive vibes. Take time to do fun and interesting things that you enjoy. It will help recharge your emotional batteries that were emptied by that difficult time of your life.

Avoid alcohol. Break ups can be really hard to get through. The most important thing to remember is that alcohol won’t help. It just can’t take the pain away and won’t help in getting through that hard period of life – find other ways that can help cope with the pain of getting over a break up. Indulging in creativity and self expression are better options.

Time is the best healer. Time is the greatest helper in healing. The old saying confirms: \»Time heals everything”, well, it’s true! As time goes by your broken heart will heal, so be patient and continue to believe in yourself. Life goes on.

Don’t jump in a new relationship straight away. As I already have mentioned above, healing takes time. Don’t just jump in the first new relationship that comes along. There will be time to date after the healing process is done. Jumping straight back into a new love adventure runs the risk of a poor match and holds great potential for another heart break. So just take time and heal first, before thinking about dating again.

Just keep believing in love and know that there is someone for everyone, it just might take some pain first before that perfect match is found. Following these simple tips will help in getting over a break up. Just remember that the perfect person is out there, waiting to be found by you.