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Февраль 2018

Цитаты и высказывания Эриха Мария Ремарка
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Эрих Мария Ремарк – каким он видится взору искушенного современного читателя? Гений 20 века, голос «потерянного поколения», самый яркий и...

Как самому рассчитать квадрат Пифагора: психоматрица личности
Психология   ·     ·    0

В определенных кругах психологов и простых людей пользуется популярностью нумерология Пифагора. Эта система позволяет определить...

The Smart Way to Safeguard Your Biz Against Malicious Reviews
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Once some lose cannon goes off on a mission of mass brand reputation destruction a marketing war has been started and you’d be wise to take this threat seriously. To avoid letting things escalate to the point where lawyers and litigation become necessary,...

Ovarian Cyst During Pregnancy
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An ovarian cyst is a sac filled with fluid that develops in the ovaries. Ovaries are organs that are bean shaped and hold the eggs. Cysts in the ovary are not uncommon and though most of them are usually harmless and don’t need to be treated, others could...

How to Deal with Morning Sickness
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Morning sickness is one of the toughest parts of early pregnancy for many women. While you may be willing to try anything to relieve your feelings of nausea, it’s importantto take safe measures. Whether you are experiencing overall nausea, vomiting, or...

Why Does Milk Come out of Breast?
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Mother nature has created a way to provide special nutrients and an easily accessible source of food for infants. Breasts, no matter how big or small, contain the intricate system to provide milk. The flow is usually self-adjusting depending on the needs of...

Pregnancy At 5 Weeks
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Congratulations! By now, most of the women may know that they are pregnant, being in Week 5 of pregnancy means you are at least a week late since you missed your periods. Those of who have not done the pregnancy test should take the pre pregnancy test and...

A Good Example of a Bad Way To Handle Negative Customer Reviews
Психология   ·     ·    0

For some people, their own worst critics are themselves; for others, it is anonymous people onsocial networks like Facebook, Twitter, or review sites like Yelp. We live in an age where access to the Internet makes it easy for anyone to vent, post public...

The Dangers Of Using Automatic Follow Back Tools
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Before I begin condemning automated tools and services that allow you to automatically followback people and other businesses on Twitter, I want to distinguish the difference between tools that you can use for free, or for a small fee, to help you develop...

Has Google Panda Ruined Your Business Website Traffic?
Психология   ·     ·    0

Algorithms are programs — not people — and they can mistake a good site for a spammy one, or a spammy site as a good one. With the last big Panda update, many larger sized, legitimate, reputable businesses, and information sites began reporting...

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