How to Deal with Morning SicknessMorning sickness is one of the toughest parts of early pregnancy for many women. While you may be willing to try anything to relieve your feelings of nausea, it’s importantto take safe measures.

Whether you are experiencing overall nausea, vomiting, or both, you can always try some home treatments. Some of the following methods will help you get relief from the dreaded nausea and vomiting of morning sickness.

What Causes Morning Sickness?

Morning sickness is caused by an unknown combination of hormones, increased stress and other body changes caused by pregnancy. The increased level of hCG and estrogen are labeled as one of the first causes.

Other causes include the relaxation of the digestive tract muscles from rising progesterone levels and the rapid stretching of the uterine muscles. Although some may think it best to skip meals, doing so may actually worsen your symptoms. Lastly, the sudden food aversions and heightened sense of smell caused by pregnancy can also contribute to morning sickness.

How to Deal with Morning Sickness

During your first trimester, you may think it’s completely impossible to avoid feeling sick all the time. Perhaps morning sickness is the first thing to make you wonder if you are pregnant, but it does not have to remain as a constant reminder.

1. Make Dietary Changes

  • Adjust your eating habit: Keep your blood sugar steady by eating small portions of dry bland food throughout the day. Keep some on your bed stand in case you need it. Avoid any highly fattening or spicy foods because their intense smells, lack of nutrientsand difficulty to digest will only worsen your morning sickness symptoms. Additionally, it is highly advised to avoid any foods with strong smells.
  • Drink plenty of liquid: Stay hydrated throughout the day, especially if you’re having difficulty keeping food down. You can also try ice cubes, flat sodaor energy drinks to combat morning sickness and fatigue.
  • Eat cool food: Eat cold or room-temperature foods, so you are less likely to experience the intense smell which causes symptoms of nausea. For example, keep fruit-flavored popsicles on hand to alleviate morning sickness.
  • Try some other foods
Foods Description
Ginger Ginger has amazing properties to help relieve symptoms of nausea and vomiting. Try making your own ginger tea with honey to taste, or purchase all-natural ginger tea bags at the store. Drink the tea when you are most likely to suffer morning sickness, or throughout the day to prevent symptoms. You could even try ginger biscuits.
Lemon Lemons have a natural calming effect which can relieve nausea and make you feel refreshed. Try nibbling on a fresh slice of lemon, squeezing some lemon juice into hot or cold water before drinking, or simply sniffing on a freshly cut lemon for some citrusy relief. You may also find it helpful to keep a stash of lemon candies nearby at all times.
Peppermint Sucking on mints or small boiled sweets can take your mind off from your morning sickness symptoms.
Cidervinegar and honey In order to get the full benefit, mix a teaspoon of cider vinegar with a teaspoonof honey in a cup of hot water. Mix together, add honey to tasteif needed.

2. Adapt to Morning Sickness

  1. Get fresh air: Getting fresh air, rather than being cooped up indoors all day long, can do wonders for alleviating your symptoms. Besides, staying inside can only worsen your symptoms.
  2. Have enough rest: Be sure to get as much rest as you possibly can. If you have other young children, arrange activities for them to do so you will have time to rest, such as reading a bookor taking a nap.
  3. Don’t wear tight clothing: Tight clothes constrict your stomachwhich can quickly worsen nausea. Be sure to wear loose fitting comfortable clothing throughout your pregnancy.
  4. Move around slowly: During your first trimester, sudden movements may bring about sudden bouts of nausea. Instead, take your time when standing up, especiallywhen you wake up in the morning. Pace yourself, set your alarm clock thirty minutes earlier, or even place a stool or seat in the shower in case you feel light-headed suddenly.
  5. Avoid trigger and distract from nausea: Strong smells are not the only trigger for nausea. Stuffy rooms, strong perfume, car rides, and even certain visual stimuli can become triggers. Determine your triggers, and find ways to avoid them. Meantime, distract yourself by doing other activities. For example, you could read a book, complete a Sudoku puzzle, or even take an easy walk.
  6. Adjust your computer screen: The flicker of the computer screen may be a visual stimuli that causes morning sickness. If you can’t limit your screen time, be sure to change the background to neutral tones and increase the font size to make it easier on your eyes.

3. Try Other Natural Methods

  • Use fresh scents: Since pregnant women are sensitive to odors, it’s important to find and use fresh scents that create a calm and relaxing environment, such as lemon extract and/or rosemary.
  • Try meditation or yoga: Stress can quickly exacerbate your symptoms, and one of the best ways to combat stress is through meditation or yoga. Find time for yourself, create a relaxing environment with soothing music and flowing water to meditate. You can also try Pilates or yoga, as both will combine meditation with exercise to help you relax and stay physically fit.
  • Try aupuncture & acupressure: While studies show that acupuncture can help alleviate morning sickness, you will want to find an acupuncturist who has experience treating pregnant women. As to acupressure, here is a method you can try.
  • There is a pressure point between your elbow and wrist on the underside of your arm between your tendons, about two inches down from your wrist, that when massaged will alleviate feelings of nausea. If you need more than just a few minutes of relief, you can purchase motion sickness bands designed to place pressure on this point.
  • Try pregnancy massage: If you decide to try pregnancy massage, be sure to find a certified prenatal masseuse. Since you can’t receive a massage while feeling ill, you must first identify your wellness window and schedule appointments during that time.
  • A prenatal masseuse will concentrate on the center of the breastbone and theprotruding bone inside your ankle, both of which are known to decrease the severity of nausea symptoms. Additionally, massages will reduce anxiety and increase circulation to boost physical wellness. Drink plenty of fluids after a massage to flush out any toxins your muscles might have released.