Ovarian Cyst During PregnancyAn ovarian cyst is a sac filled with fluid that develops in the ovaries. Ovaries are organs that are bean shaped and hold the eggs.

Cysts in the ovary are not uncommon and though most of them are usually harmless and don’t need to be treated, others could cause problems if they grow larger.

A woman can get pregnant even if she has cysts, but ovarian cysts caused due to polycystic ovarian syndrome or endometriosis can make it difficult for a pregnant woman to conceive. How can you know if you have ovarian cyst? What exactly are the possible risks of ovarian cyst to pregnancy?

What Are the Symptoms of Ovarian Cyst During Pregnancy?

As mentioned above, most of the ovarian cysts are harmless and usually reduce on their own, but large cysts can cause problems and abdominal discomfort for a woman. When the huge cyst presses on the bladder, you might feel like urinating frequently as the capacity of the bladder is reduced considerably.


Symptoms of ovarian cysts include irregularities in the menstrual cycle, pain the pelvis and a lot more. Pelvic pain could travel to the thighs and lower back, increasing the discomfort. It could also begin just before your periods begin and end just before your periods end.

You could also experience pain if you indulge in intercourse, which is also known as dyspareunia. In addition, a woman can suffer from pain during her bowel movements and constantly feel a pressure on the bowels.

You will probably feel nauseated, breast tenderness or want to vomit, which are similar to that experienced during pregnancy. Apart from that, the abdomen can also feel heavy and full. You can also feel a pressure on the rectum or the bladder that provides an urge to urinate frequently or experience difficulty in emptying the bladder completely.

When to See a Doctor

If you feel severe pelvic or abdominal pain suddenly or experience pain along with vomiting and fever, you should consult your doctor immediately. In addition to these symptoms, you might also notice that your skin becomes clammy and cold along with other weakness and lightheadedness.

If you experience any of these, it could be an emergency and you should consult your physician immediately.

Does an Ovarian Cyst During Pregnancy Pose Any Risks?

It is normal to have many questions if a woman has an ovarian cyst during pregnancy, but the risks depend only on the size and the types of the ovarian cyst. Though a cyst may be small or benign in the beginning, it could increase in its size and become very large during pregnancy, but most of the cases involving ovarian cysts do very well without the women having to deal with any major issues.

Among the risks involved, the major risk is of the pressure exerted by a large cyst on the womb. If a woman is monitored by the doctors closely, any signs of major problems will be recognized early and the doctors will also inform the patient about the treatments involved.

However, a pregnant woman should also consider the options for her delivery, as it could be better to undergo a caesarean section, where the doctors could also remove the cyst during the delivery. This helps prevent any operations in the future and pregnant women with ovarian cysts can discuss this with the physician.

How Is an Ovarian Cyst During Pregnancy Treated?

Treatment Measures. Doctors may suggest different treatments, depending on the condition of the cyst and they may also tell the patient to wait patiently and see if the cyst could go away on its own. If the cyst is small, the doctors may recommend that the patient gets ultrasounds regularly to see if the cyst has changed its size.

Pregnant women who have cysts are likely to find out about it during an ultrasound scan. Doctors may wait until the patient is half way into pregnancy as removing it at the early stages can increase the chances of miscarriage.

Sometimes, a cyst can develop on an ovarian stem and become twisted and this might make you feel ill as the ovary can be damaged and in such cases, the doctors will remove the cyst through laparoscopy, irrespective of your pregnancy stage. However, a laparotomy could be essential if the cyst has grown huge during late pregnancy.

Prevention Measures. Pelvic examinations conducted regularly can detect the sizes of the ovary although there are no definitive ways to prevent the cyst growth. You should be aware if you recognize any changes that occur during your menstrual cycle and consult the doctor about it.

You should also be aware of the symptoms that occur during this period as it will help you detect any changes in the pattern of your menstrual cycle.

Experience of One Mom

\»I am about 6 weeks into pregnancy and I was experiencing severe pain in my back and abdomen. So, I went to the hospital and I was taken into the emergency room only to find out that I had UTI and two cysts on the right ovary.

I have experienced an overwhelming pain since last night and it continues tonight, but the doctor stated that my ultrasound scan is good and everything is fine. However, I can relate to you as I am a mom-to-be and even I can’t help but worry about whether this can affect my pregnancy, as I am still in the early stage.

The best part is that this didn’t affect the baby and I haven’t experienced any contractions at all. My heart rate is also normal and there is a lot of activity too.

You just need to be careful if it gets twisted and as cysts occur normally during pregnancy; our body releases a hormone that causes the cyst to go away on its own after the placenta is formed. I realize it’s hard to go through it, but try to be calm and everything will be alright.”

Does an Ovarian Cyst Stop You from Getting Pregnant?

Women who have ovarian cysts shouldn’t be too worried about pregnancy, as most of these ovarian cysts are harmless, occurring between the duration of puberty and menopause. Most of these cysts are not cancerous, meaning they are benign. However, women who are trying to bear children might worry a lot about this as it raises numerous questions.

Women who suffer from infertility need not worry too much, as about 85-90% of cases are solved through procedures that involve medicine or surgery.

Nobody can figure out if the ovarian cysts are the source for infertility problems, unless he/she is a doctor. Therefore, you should consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns associated with ovarian cysts.