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Февраль 2018

Способ заставить мужчину бегать за вами
Беременность и роды, Психология   ·     ·    0

Как заставить мужчину бегать за тобой: психология отношений дает универсальные советы для решения этой проблемы. При хорошем стечении...

D and C Surgery Procedure, Side Effects and Recovery
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A Dilation and Curettage or D&C is a short, surgical procedure, which is typically performed if you have had a miscarriage after the first-trimester. Here, dilation means to open the cervix and curettage means removing the remaining contents from the...

Chiropractic Care during Pregnancy
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Pregnancy is an interesting journey of ups and downs and highs and lows. While the excitement of having a baby keeps you elated, the aches, pains and discomfort are also a part of the package. The body has to support the additional weight from the baby and...

Useful Tips to Fight Hiccups During Early Pregnancy
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Most of the women who are mothers now agree that the entire journey of pregnancy is full of endless-dramas and ups and downs. Hiccups, heartburn, belching, swollen feet and hands, weight-gain, even projectile vomiting are some of the fellow travelers of...

Placenta Previa Bleeding in Pregnancy
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Know of someone who has had low-lying placenta during pregnancy that has bled before or during labor? This condition referred to as placenta previa is a matter of concern for the health of the soon-to-born baby and the mother alike. Here’s your chance to...

Swollen Vagina During Pregnancy – Causes, Symptoms And Prevention
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You are pregnant and jubilant about it, to say the least. You are happy with the thought of showing off your pregnant belly, attending pre-natal exercise sessions and joining other pregnant couples at regular meet-ups. You are reading up on all the changes...

Is Breakthrough Bleeding in Pregnancy Normal?
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When you begin to bleed during your pregnancy, it can make you quite distraught. At this time, it is important for you to understand that bleeding during your pregnancy is not always a bad thing, and it is not always an indication of a miscarriage. Throughout...

Can You Ovulate While Pregnant?
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It might seem like a silly question to some, but to others, it might seem as though it could be possible. After all, look at any tabloid to read “amazing” stories of how a woman got pregnant with a second child while she was already pregnant with the...

Braxton Hicks at 20 Weeks
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Braxton Hicks contractions can be quite worrisome, especially for first-time mothers; but rest assured that they are not only safe, they are actually perfectly normal. Braxton Hicks contractions usually begin during the middle of the pregnancy. They are a...

34 Weeks Pregnant Cramping
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So you have been pregnant for 34 weeks now and you’re almost there! So far, your pregnancy has gone off without a hitch, but you begin to experience some 34 weeks pregnant cramping. Remember your third trimester will be the most physically challenging for...

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