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Февраль 2018

How Much Does IVF Cost?
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Modern medicine has done wonders for infertile couples around the world. Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) has resulted in thousands of happy parents who might otherwise not have children of their own. One of the oldest and most successful of those...

In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Explained
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For many of us, waiting to miss our period each month while trying to conceive is an emotional roller coaster. It’s a game of hurry up and wait. A lot of couples begin with questions of infertility after about 12 months of trying, or as little as six months...

Thinking of Surrogacy?
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Surrogacy has been around ever since humans started reproducing. What is a surrogate mother? She is a woman who agrees to carry and deliver a baby for another woman or couple. Traditionally, the baby carried the genes of the surrogate mother and the sperm of...

Is Sperm Donation Right For You?
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When the male partner isn’t producing enough sperm for conception, many couples turn to artificial insemination via sperm donation for help. Sperm donation is also commonly used as a method to help conceive if the partner has an inherited disease that he...

Craft Book for Kid
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Kids of all ages like to work on different craft projects. Craft projects can be an ideal way to enhance skills of kids especially during summer vacations. However, not all parents and teachers have the time, energy or creativity to come up with ideas on...

How to make your own scented candles?
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Candles are very cheap: you can get hundreds of small candles in a bag for the price of a Happy Meal, and the bigger ones aren’t much more expensive. When it’s so easy to just buy your candles in a shop, why on earth would you want to make candles...

10 Tips for Peaceful Crafting with the Kids
Дом и уют   ·     ·    0

Are you looking for ways to keep craft time with your children simple and fun? If so, I hope you will put some of the following suggestions to use. 1. Find the craft the kids want to make and then make a list of all the supplies you will need to make the...

Advanced Leather Repair and Restoration
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You can also have a leather repair professional replace the cracked areas and match the new leather to the original color. This works best when you are working with a panel of leather, for example on a car seat or the surface of a furniture cushion. Cracks in...

Duvet Covers – For a Quick Bedroom Makeover
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Duvets or comforter covers are very versatile on a bed. If you want something that is different for your bedroom makeover, you may find expense is an issue in fancy, unique, well made fabric. Designer labels are pricey, especially if you aren’t shopping...

7 Things that all couples should stop doing
Психология   ·     ·    0

If your relationship has become a bit sour, what can you do to bring it back on track? Over time, relationships can break down simply because the old saying of ‘familiarity breeds contempt’ is true. You can find lots of relationship advice on what couples...

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