Useful Tips to Fight Hiccups During Early PregnancyMost of the women who are mothers now agree that the entire journey of pregnancy is full of endless-dramas and ups and downs.

Hiccups, heartburn, belching, swollen feet and hands, weight-gain, even projectile vomiting are some of the fellow travelers of pregnancy. By the time you will have a tot running around the house, you would also have realized the same.

Out of all the issues related with pregnancy, hiccups are the one of the most troublesome and extremely uncomfortable ones.

Why Do I Keep On Hiccuping Now That I Am Pregnant?

So you are not able to put that glass of water down and are constantly trying to stop those hiccups that have actually become somewhat bothersome now. Fetal hiccups generally begin to show up during the second or third trimester, though they can start as early as in the first trimester.

They feel as spasms in the belly and are different from other movements of the baby inutero. Hiccups during pregnancy become just unbearable when they occur while you are sleeping, eating or talking to someone. They not only affect your health, but also your social life – stealing away mental peace sometimes.

Many women consider them to be a symptom of a healthy pregnancy, but it is not necessarily a sign that everything is perfect down there. Nor is it worrisome to set of off panicking, and this post will just ease your anxiety on hiccups during pregnancy.

What Causes Hiccups During Pregnancy?

There could be a number of possible reasons that cause hiccups during early pregnancy. However, the main causes are indigestion and shortness of breath.

During pregnancy, your lungs tend to inhale more air than normal. You won’t believe but the rates of air in and air out increases manifolds, say around 30 to 40 per cent. This brings in a lot of oxygen to the body helping it function efficiently, but also hiccups.

Sometimes, women start watching themselves too closely, and even though they already have hiccups, they will notice them even more now. Because women become hyper concerned of any changes happening to them when pregnant, they tend to think that hiccups are a new thing to them. This happens because of the hormonal and motility changes your body undergoes during pregnancy.

Some women also say that when they get pregnant, frequent hiccups is one of the earliest signs that tells them so. However, not many experts agree that hiccups are a sign of pregnancy.

Though they agree that shortness of breath can be a symptom of pregnancy, and hiccups may be related to swallowing of more air than required. You are likely to have bouts of hiccups in early pregnancy or late second trimester.

Fetal Hiccups During Pregnancy

If you thought that it is just you who is dealing with bouts of hiccups, you are wrong. Babies too go through pretty much the same phase inside the womb, but unlike the mother who is likely to experience severe hiccuping in the first trimester, babies hiccup more during the last trimester.

The baby is constantly drinking the amniotic fluid, and there are pretty good chances that the fluid enters his lungs, causing hiccups.

No, you need not worry, as this is perfectly normal and your baby will not be choked as his supply of oxygen is met by the placenta itself. Infact, these repetitive jerks down there indicate that all is well and the baby is growing normally. Sometimes, reflex development can also make a mature fetus hiccup in the womb itself.

Are Hiccups During Pregnancy A Note Of Caution?

Well, this is a very common problem and the frequency tends to increase as your pregnancy advances. As far as its fatality is concerned, hiccups don’t pose any danger to yours and the baby’s health. However, it is always a wise decision to seek medical advice if there is anything that is bothering you or making your uncomfortable.

Only a doctor can guide you properly through the entire journey of your pregnancy. Although hiccups are not dangerous, it’s always wise to take precautions. After all, giving birth to a new life is really a big deal and a moment to be cherished for the lifetime.

How Can I Deal With Hiccups During Pregnancy?

Here are some of the most useful tips for you. Hopefully, you will get relief:

  • Drink water: One of the most effective and workable ways to stop the series of hiccups is to drink water. Make sure you drink the entire glass of water in one go and within one breath. You can also gargle with chilled water, it has been found to be effective
  • Dissolving sugar under the tongue: Another helpful as well as handy remedy to deal with episodes of hiccups is to keep one tablespoon sugar under your tongue and wait till it dissolves and enters your body subliminally. Swallowing it may be a task for women who do not like the sweet sugar!
  • Try breathing exercises: Breathing exercises have also been proved beneficial for getting rid of a series of hiccups. So, you can also try them. One of the easiest among them is inhaling the air, holding it for a while and exhaling it slowly. You can also try breathing inside a paper bag
  • Suck or nibble on a slice of lime or ginger: Nibbling a wedge of lime or a slice of ginger (fresh) can also help you fight this irritating condition. You can make a mixture of lime juice, ginger and honey and drink it as fast as possible, but don’t choke yourself. This might help you
  • Pull out your tongue: Though it may sound silly, but sticking out your tongue as far as you can helps ease the diaphragm and relieve you from hiccups

So, these are the ways that can help you make your hiccups go away. They are certainly annoying but they do not indicate anything is wrong with you or with your baby, and they will go away on their own. However, if things don’t change even after trying one or all of the above mentioned tips, then it’s better to get in touch with a doctor.