Sex While Pregnant, Is GREAT!Dating when you are a single mom is a challenge in many ways. If you can find the time to go hang out at the bar, how do you find that perfect guy for you and your children.

Then there are the blind dates which end up in disaster all too frequently. What is a single mom to do?

Common Problems for Single Moms Trying to Date

Dating takes time. Time is very precious to single moms. Foremost your children need to go to school, need to go to their after school activities, need help with their school projects, and need items baked for that school fundraiser.

Then you have to go to work, go shopping, prepare dinner, feed the cat, and do laundry. By the end of the day you just want to curl up with a book or your favorite TV show before falling asleep. The next day everything starts over, where is the time to date?

Then comes that Saturday night when you could go on a date if only you had a babysitter. Unfortunately the few babysitters that you trust are being used by other single moms or they’re out on their own dates.

That is if you’ve been able to find babysitters that you trust. Some single moms are lucky enough to have friends with children or grandparents who would love to watch their children every once in a while. It is hard to develop a relationship with someone you only get to date occasionally.

Many single moms don’t want their kids to see them date. Single moms need to be able to check out the guys first, to see if they are compatible and see if they want the guy around their children. It isn’t good to let children get used to having a guy around and then you have to break up with him, breaking your children’s hearts at the same time.

Single moms not only have to worry about their safety but also the safety of their children. Women without children just have to worry about their own safety when they are on dates. They don’t have to wonder if it will be safe to bring this guy around their children. Single moms have to build a safety net around their children from all the predators that may be targeting them just for their children.

Technology to the Rescue?

Luckily for single moms the internet has become an online dating dream or has it? There are quite a few dating sites for moms to browse during their few moments each day filled with men in their city. It is like hanging out in a crowded bar except that you don’t need to find a babysitter.

The guys you meet can still lie to you about everything from their name to the occupations. Online guys have the added benefit of lying about their looks. Safety is even a bigger concern when meeting guys online because of how easy it is to hide your true self.

Online dating isn’t all bad. Many people are truly there looking for love because the local bar scene isn’t for them, they are too busy to go out searching for love, or they can’t get a babysitter either. You can run into your perfect guy while shopping for groceries, while hanging out at the bar, or while browsing profiles online.

Online dating does allow you to spend a lot of time getting to know a person through emails and even lunch time phone calls. It allows the single mom to maximize her time but fitting her online/phone dates into her schedule instead of changing her schedule to go out on a date.

What’s Left?

If you are a single mom, don’t despair. There are a couple other avenues. If you have a babysitter that can help out for a night here and there, you can try speed dating. Speed dating gives you the opportunity to meet a bunch of men in one night and to meet them in person. It is a lot like hanging out in a bar except you can actually meet a lot more guys.

Matchmaking is another choice for single moms. Matchmakers can save you time by weeding out guys that don’t fit your preferences. They can check out a guy better than you can and weed out people that definitely wouldn’t be safe around your children.

They can specifically look for guys that want to date women with children, saving you from that possible rejection. In short a matchmaker weeds out a lot of useless dates and thereby saving your time for more promising dates.

Emily Jacob is an experienced writer on single moms, dating, and relationships. She has been writing for many years and has had many articles published. Some of Emily’s most favorite topics to write on include mature single professionals, mature daters, relationships, and matchmaking.

Emily’s articles are well written and memorable. They are especially great for anyone looking to start dating and still keep up with their daily activities.