34 Weeks Pregnant CrampingSo you have been pregnant for 34 weeks now and you’re almost there! So far, your pregnancy has gone off without a hitch, but you begin to experience some 34 weeks pregnant cramping.

Remember your third trimester will be the most physically challenging for your body. Your baby is growing very quickly and things are starting to settle in before delivery.

While cramping may be a cause for concern, you may want to know when you need to call the doctor. This article will give you more information on some of the causes and what to do.

What Causes 34 Weeks Pregnant Cramping?

When you have cramping at 34 weeks pregnancy, it can be very normal, or it can be a sign that something may be wrong. If you ever feel like something isn’t right, it’s better to contact your doctor or check-in to labor and delivery at the hospital just to be safe. Preparing yourself beforehand may help to ease some of your concerns.

Cramping in the third trimester is often very normal, as long as the cramping is mild. You may even notice tightening or hardening of your uterus once in a while.

These are “practice contractions” that help get your body ready for the big day. Most of the time, mild cramping is just your body warming up for labor and nothing to worry about. If you have other symptoms likebleeding, back pain, water leakage and you are 34 to 37 weeks you should contact your doctor.

Here is a list of causes for 34 weeks pregnant cramping:

Possible Causes Explanation
Stretching of the Ligaments During and after your second trimester, you will notice some cramping on either side of your abdomen. This feels like you pulled a muscle, but the feeling calms down after you rest. This is the band of ligaments that hold up your uterus stretching with the growth of the baby. You may feel a sharp twinge when you walk or roll over in bed. It can feel like period cramps, but goes away. If the pain does not go away with rest, you may want to call your doctor.
Early Labor

(Braxton-Hicks vs. true labor contractions)

  • After 33 weeks, you will start to notice your abdomen hardening and then relaxing. These are “practice contractions” known as, Braxton-Hicks. They only happen occasionally and may be accompanied by cramping. They increase and happen more often in the later weeks of pregnancy. If you walk or move around more, they tend to go away.
  • Real labor contractions do not go away with movement or walking, but actually get more intense. Once way to know if you are going into real labor is to time the contractions. If they become closer together and the cramping gets worse, you should call your doctor.
Dehydration Dehydration can irritate the uterine muscles and bring on contractions and cramping. Most of the time, when this is due to dehydration increased fluids with make it stop.
Abrupted Placenta In some cases, the placenta can tear away from the wall of your uterus. This is a very serious condition and a medical emergency. If you feel cramping with a sharp pain and bleeding, get to your nearest hospital or call 911.
Pre-eclampsia If you have high blood pressure and protein in your urine in your second and third trimester, this is known as pre-eclampsia. If the condition becomes serious, you may have cramping and pain in your abdomen. If this is accompanied by a severe headache, swelling, and changes in vision, call your doctor or get to an emergency room.

When to Be Concerned

As discussed, 34 weeks pregnant cramping is normal if it is mild. If you experience the following, contact your doctor or go to your nearest emergency room:

  • Pain in your abdomen that has you doubled over
  • Bleeding or even spotting
  • Fever
  • Feeling faint or dizzy
  • Contractions before 37 weeks

What to Do About 34 Weeks Pregnancy Cramping

If you have checked with your doctor and your 34 weeks’ pregnancy cramping is given the “all-clear” and not reason to worry, there are a few things to do to help make you more comfortable. These include:

  • Get up and walk around
  • Take a warm shower
  • Distract yourself with music or TV
  • Try sitting on an exercise or birthing ball and gently rock back and forth
  • Increase your fluid intake
  • Gently massage the sides of your belly

Experiences of Other Moms

Is being 34 weeks pregnant, cramping at the same time, normal for other moms? What have they been through?

“I just hit 34 weeks and am pregnancy with my first baby. I noticed the other day the baby dropped and I started having some cramps. I called my doctor and she told me this is just more stretching in my pelvic area. I was told to call if the cramping worsens or doesn’t go away. So far, I haven’t had any issues or signs of early labor.”        —-Tina

“I had cramping in my 34th week that didn’t go away. I called my doctor and was told to go to labor and delivery to be checked. They drew my blood and took some urine and found out I was dehydrated. The cramping cleared up with IV fluids and they told me to drink lots of water in the coming weeks.”             —- Jeanna

“I had cramping at 34 weeks and my mucous plug came out. The cramps didn’t go away so my doctor had me go to labor and delivery. My uterine was just being “touchy” and they gave me a shot to calm things down. They also hydrated me with fluids and it went away. I ended up delivering at 38 weeks which is right on time.”          —-Chrissy