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Early Symptoms of IVF Pregnancy
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Many times the inability to get pregnant is hormonal, low sperm count or even stress. Your doctor will investigate the most common factors and treat you accordingly. If for some reason conception still does not occur, IVF is an alternative with a high success...

Why Am I Showing Already at 8 Weeks?
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Congratulations—you’ve just learned that you’re pregnant! You may be wondering when everyone else will begin to learn of your condition by themselves—that is, when will you begin to “show”? Before long, your body will begin to change shape. The...

Pregnancy At 8 Weeks
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Well, the fruit is raspberry!! By the time you are eight weeks pregnant, the baby can be called as fetus. It is 1 cm long and is finally losing its tail. You are hyper sensitive to smell, and still peeing and nauseating a lot. You should stay away from...

Pregnancy At 6 Weeks
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Well, this is a milestone, isn’t it? Half the distance to the first trimester is over baby!! Your baby has grown to a size of a sweet pea, (oh yeah, your sweetie pie) and the tube like heart has taken a form of a four chamber heart. Its beating at 100-160...

Pregnancy At 7 Weeks
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This week might feel like an emotional roller coaster ride, with you feeling happy one moment and screaming the other. This is due to increase in the levels of hormones. You have already covered half of the first trimester. The baby has grown 10,000 times...

Pregnancy At 9 Weeks
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Well, Mama, I have just had my first graduation, I am a fetus now! This is what your little one is trying to say, that all your hard work till now has won him a major accomplishment. By now you must be settled with the fact that you are pregnant. Week 9 is...

What Does Braxton Hick Feel Like at 30 Weeks?
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During your second and third trimesters of pregnancy, you may find yourself in situations when your belly tightens a bit and becomes quite firm to the touch, and then becomes normal again. You experience these episodes due to the contractions of the uterine...

Pregnancy At 5 Weeks
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Congratulations! By now, most of the women may know that they are pregnant, being in Week 5 of pregnancy means you are at least a week late since you missed your periods. Those of who have not done the pregnancy test should take the pre pregnancy test and...

Pregnancy At 4 Weeks
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This is the time when you might have missed your periods. Your body may be giving early signs of pregnancy or if you do not feel anything new, there is nothing to worry about. However, if you have already found out about carrying a baby inside, we wish you...

Discovering – Am I Pregnant? – Weeks 1 to 3
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Ovulation happens about two weeks before a woman will get her periods, roughly on Day 14 of a 28 day cycle. The ovum passes through the fallopian tube and travels down towards the uterus. Millions of sperms ejaculated by your partner travel to the fallopian...

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