Early Symptoms of IVF PregnancyMany times the inability to get pregnant is hormonal, low sperm count or even stress. Your doctor will investigate the most common factors and treat you accordingly.

If for some reason conception still does not occur, IVF is an alternative with a high success rate. To put it simply, the egg is fertilized with the sperm outside of the body and inserted into the uterus. After the egg is implanted, you must wait, possibly the longest two weeks of your life for the IVF pregnancy symptoms to show up.

Early IVF Pregnancy Symptoms

The tortuous two week wait has begun, your stress level is over the top and you note every new change in your body. You want to be aware of any new developments, but don’t confuse those changes with a positive pregnancy just yet. The same symptoms that tell you the IVF is successful can also indicate your period is going to start.

Signs & Symptoms Description
A missed period Pregnant women do not always miss their period, it is more common with a natural conception, but not absolute.  IVF patients often have spotting or an irregular period about two weeks after the implant. The embryo burrowing into the uterus causes cramping and bleeding. Symptoms like this can indicate pregnancy, but it is not proof of success.
Breasts change Breast change could be one of the IVF pregnancy symptoms. Changes in your breast will vary from a sense of fullness or being uncomfortable in your normal size bra, or being very tender to touch. The areola around the nipple typically darkens and the nipples become more sensitive to stimuli.
Headaches Headaches are caused from a surge of hormones, because either you are getting ready to menstruate or you are on hormone therapy and your IVF was fruitful.
Fatigue Are you more tired than normal or completely exhausted? This is a sign your body is preparing you to nourish a new life.
Nausea Being nauseated is characteristic with a positive pregnancy whether conception is IVF or not. This can be mild and quickly pass or become severe when lasting too long and complemented by vomiting.
Frequent urination and excessive thirst Frequent urination and excessive thirst could also be the IVF pregnancy symptoms. Your metabolic rate increases to handle the extra fluid volume needed when you have a baby growing inside you. When this rate rises, kidneys filter more waste out of your blood. This increases the frequency and amount of urine excreted and the urine is often stronger in smell.
Higher body temperature Basal body temperatures are often monitored after IVF. If this interests you, ask your doctor for specific directions.
Excess saliva Ptyalism or hyper salivation is a direct response to fluctuating hormones and nausea.
Cramps The embedding of the embryo, as stated above, can cause cramps…
Bleeding or spotting Hormone therapy and pregnancy can cause irregular but expected spotting or bleeding.
Swing moods Moods swing is not only one of the IVF pregnancy symptoms, probably one of the most common symptoms of all the pregnancy. Your physician probably warned you about changes in temperament with IVF. You will find yourself laughing about the silliest things, and then crying for no reason at all. You will be irritated and get angry over normal daily routines, but don’t worry you are not crazy. The hormonal surges take control of your disposition and can be difficult to control. Expect it, which is the first step in regaining balance. The best news is the dramatic variations of your moods indicate that you’ll probably have a good outcome of the IVF procedure.

Survival Tips on Coping with Your Emotional Changes During the 2 Week Wait

Mood swings can cause a great deal of discord in your marriage and extended family. While they may be informed to anticipate this, it doesn’t make it easier to deal with. The Smallest things can set you off in a tantrum when you would normally not even react. Don’t despair, there are a few things you can do to offset these uncontrollable emotions.

1. Don’t Tell Everyone About Your IVF Yet. Talk to your husband or partner and decide who you want to know about the IVF procedure. Decide if it will be just the two of you or include family or even close friends. Keep in mind, the more people you tell the more questions you’ll get.

As a couple, you need to decide who will spread the news. You could actually plan a statement, write it down and practice it. If you only inform a few people that you had IVF done, you can exclude sharing undesirable answers by telling them in advance you’ll let them know by a certain date if it’s positive.

2. Talk with Your Partner. Keeping your feelings open to each other is one of the best methods to manage the emotional changes. Whether its pure excitement or total anxiety or a mixture, expressing your feelings will develop into support- it’s something only the two of you can share.

Take a moment to decide how you want to receive the news. Are you getting a message together, if not, who tells who? In the event it is great news, are you calling your friends and family or having a little party to make the proclamation?

Negative results are emotionally devastating for some and how you handle it can be the difference in your relationship surviving. Give your spouse hints, if you think you know how you would best respond to an undesirable outcome. Would you want to be alone or with family? When do you want to discuss further options, now or in a week or two, or have you already decided not to try again.

3. Treat Yourself Much Nicer. Take a day trip, get your hair done or take a walk in a peaceful place.

Find a way to feel good about each day. Maybe that means reading a book or cooking a gourmet meal. We all have that special activity that makes us happy.Try to Calm down and Stay Positive

4. Try to Calm Down and Stay Positive. Learn to talk yourself out of anxious moments- meditation, deep breathing or quiet moments might be all it takes.

Speak positive affirmations if you are beginning to doubt you will ever have a baby. Talk yourself into a good frame of mind.

More Questions About IVF Pregnancy and the 2 Week Wait

1. If I Have the Symptoms, Does It Mean I’m Pregnant? Nothing is absolute except the IVF pregnancy test. When you are taking hormones to conceive it can cause the same symptoms you get in early pregnancy.

2. Should I Have Bed Rest after IVF? Years ago, bed rest was recommended after IVF. Now it is contraindicated, because rates of conception have improved with normal activity. Your doctor may order rest if you have a medical condition that warrants it.

3. Can I Have Sex During the 2 Week Wait? Not only is it permitted, unless your doctor says otherwise, it allegedly tends to improve your odds. Semen it seems helps implantation and embryo development according to a study done in Australia.