Pregnancy At 5 WeeksCongratulations! By now, most of the women may know that they are pregnant, being in Week 5 of pregnancy means you are at least a week late since you missed your periods.

Those of who have not done the pregnancy test should take the pre pregnancy test and remember to take it with the early morning pee. You might be feeling terribly tired / fatigue.

It is difficult to sleep on your tummy since your breasts are tender, sore and you might be having the signs of pregnancy like earlier weeks; some woman have them real hard. Your lacenta and amniotic sac are still forming; they protect, feed and nourish the baby till your term.

Physical and Emotional You:

Fifth week of pregnancy will not bring many changes from the previous ones. You may feel nauseated when you get up in the morning. The blood sugar levels might go down if you do not eat regularly. So keep those healthy snacks handy! You might become very sensitive to different kinds of smell like perfume, car fumes, and somebody’s body odor.

All this might make you feel sicker. Emotionally you might have a mixture of feelings at the same time. There could be a feeling of excitement, joy, guilt.

If you were planning for a baby and the test is positive you might find it difficult to keep your little secret to yourself. Some people do not share this until 12 weeks when the chances of miscarriage are less than 1 %. You can share it with close members of the family and celebrate.

Put back that wine glass, and absolutely quit smoking. See that you are taking your prenatal vitamins regularly, stay calm and happy, do not stress yourself out and be easy on yourself. Pamper yourself Muma!

Your Baby at 5 Weeks:

The top cover, the ectoderm develops a groove and layer of cells forms a hollow tube which is called the neural tube. This will become baby’s spinal cord and brain. At the same time another tube like structure is forming a heart. It starts to have its own blood vessels and the baby has its first blood circulation, in the middle layer, called the mesoderm.

Your baby’s muscle, bones, cartilage and underskin tissues are also formed in this layer. A third layer, called the endoderm will form the baby’s lungs, intestines, and the urinary system. A string of these blood vessels connects the baby with the mother which later would become an umbilical cord.

The embryo is similar the size of an orange seed or an apple seed, measuring around 13 inches now. It is sometimes possible to see the baby in an ultrasound but many people don’t do an ultrasound until 12 weeks. It looks more like a tiny tadpole as of now. And there’s a lot, a lot happening inside you, though outside it doesn’t show much.

Things to Note

  • It’s high time when you should have decided on the doctor to consult, one you are comfortable with; you can even change her NOW if you feel there is less connection.
  • Visit your doctor to find out your expected date of delivery.
  • If you are a working woman or at home you must keep healthy snacks handy for the hunger pranks. Foods like cereals, raisins, fruits, cottage cheese, yogurt, baby carrot are easy to have and handy.
  • Vitamin D is very important for the baby’s growth, so try walking for 15 minutes. Routine exercise is a good way to keep fit and manage the extra weight you would be putting on in the weeks to come.
  • Do not take any medicine without consulting the doctor, even OTCs can be harmful. Discuss in detail with your OB.

PS: Every baby grows differently in the womb and outside it. The information presented here is on generic terms, and it does not necessarily holds true for everyone.