Pregnancy At 9 WeeksWell, Mama, I have just had my first graduation, I am a fetus now! This is what your little one is trying to say, that all your hard work till now has won him a major accomplishment.

By now you must be settled with the fact that you are pregnant. Week 9 is just one week from ending the first trimester and for some women it might have been a hard one.

The fetus has become a permanent feature and is no more a foreign body. You might feel this is the limit, but hang on there, lady, there are still about 30 weeks left to feel, hold and see the tiny little thing you are creating inside you. To comfort you, your second trimester will be quite an easy one, than the first.

Physical and Emotional You

  • It is still very early for the tummy to show, and it won’t start lifting until 12 weeks.
  • You might be feeling heavier in the middle and some clothes might have become tighter, so you could indulge in shopping for maternity wear.
  • Your visits to the bathroom continue, either to throw up or to pee. Spending a lot of time there, lady? How about some plants and a nice music (giggle)!
  • You will find many veins appearing especially across your breast and legs. It might be difficult to stand for a long time. Try sitting or resting legs when you can rest them in a chair or a foot rest.
  • The vaginal discharge might have increased, its normal unless it has a foul smell, or is brown in color. If you experience bleeding at any point in time immediately consult a doctor, this may be due to miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy.
  • You may feel occasional cramps and heaviness similar to pre menstrual discomfort, but this is normal.
  • The nipples would become darker and some pimples might appear near the areola. These are known as Montgomery’s Tubercles and will help to prepare your nipples for breastfeeding.
  • You’d probably want to rest more often, and since your body is working over time, you would actually need to rest, a lot.

Emotionally the nausea and the sickness would have taken a toll on you by now, but hang on it will soon end by the end of this week. Some women feel the guilt that the baby might pick up this negative feeling but do not worry the baby does not have the cognitive ability to know how are you feeling.

Your Baby at Week 9

The baby is now about one inch, weighing under 3 gm, the size of a green olive. If you have an appointment with the doctor you will be able to hear its heart beat with a Doppler. By the start of the ninth week the baby’s eyes grow bigger with some pigment colour in them.

Though the actual colour of the eye will be visible between 6-9 months. The ears are formed both on the inside and outside. Inside their mouth is the tiniest of tongue and the teeth is also forming inside the gums.

Things to Note

Try doing some research on pregnancy it’s a good idea to buy some books on pregnancy. You can think of joining antenatal exercise or yoga, this will not just keep you fit but can become a platform to meet other pregnant women. Munch, and munch healthy. Stay happy and say good. Got some creative idea on how to announce your pregnancy?