How to stay in a honeymoon phase of a relationship permanentlyMost people expect there to be a honeymoon phase of a relationship, which is followed swiftly by the ‘fading’ phase, and then onto the dreaded ‘comfortable’ phase, otherwise known as the stale and boring phase!

But, these relationship cycles are not inevitable and they are only made more likely by our expecting them, so break the cycle and take these positive steps:

1. Decide. Commit to making your beautiful story work. A relationship needs some work put into it and it’s surprising how many people just don’t make the effort, and then they find that things are going wrong. Don’t expect to be able to sit back and let it happen, that’s when it gets stale, you have to both commit to making it work and accept the downs, as well as the ups.

2. Welcome the differences and the changes. Everybody changes over time, we all get older for a start, but those changes, whether it’s in our personality or the changes in our relationship are to be welcomed, because that’s a part of what keeps things fresh and life interesting. Even the arguments can have a positive effect, because when you make up, it’s like starting over again.

3. Make time to be alone together regularly. Another tip on how to stay in a honeymoon phase of a relationship permanently is – make a positive effort to spend quality time alone together, especially if you have children.

Take weekend breaks together or go on a date, and let a friend or family member look after the kids for a while, it’s important to set aside time for fun, as well as work and all the daily chores. This regular time together will help keep the flame of your love alive and will nourish your relationship for it to blossom.

4. Don’t give up on flirting. Remember how you used to flirt? Well, there is no reason why that should stop, just because you’ve been together for a while. You’re never too old for a bit of playfulness, and flirting is a great way to reaffirm your love for one another and to show each other that the attraction is still there.

5. Keep things fresh and try something new. Don’t get into a rut by sticking stick to the same old routine all the time. Make an effort to try something new every week, surprise your partner with something pleasant and spontaneous, whether it’s a new restaurant that you’ve never tried or something new in the bedroom, just don’t let your life become too predictable. It takes effort, but it will be worth it!

6. Talk to one another. You have to talk in a relationship, to clear the air and to make sure that things stay on track. If things are not going as you would like, then talk about it or there will be no changes in your life. Don’t be afraid to suggest that things could be different and don’t be adverse to taking suggestions from your partner either.

7. Don’t forget how to laugh. Next tip on how to stay in a honeymoon phase of a relationship permanently is – simply have fun together! Not taking yourselves too seriously is a good way to keep things light and interesting. Laughing with each other is the perfect tonic to help combat the stresses of life and, if you’re together for anything, it’s to have fun, so enjoy!

8. Don’t give up on the romance. And last, but not least, don’t let the romance, slip away; it really is just up to you. The honeymoon period can last forever, if you decide that’s the way that you want it. So take time to show your love for one another, don’t stop dating, don’t stop flirting and never stop loving.