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Mommy Is Having a Baby!
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Preparing for a new arrival from the beginning of your pregnancy is the best way to familiarize your children with the lifestyle changes a new baby brings. Involving young children as your body grows and changes will build the anticipation of meeting the...

What Causes Baby Acne
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Acne can be termed as a basic disorder of the skin. Acne is a kind of skin disease that primarily involves the oil glands present in the skin. Though the acne is a not all dangerous, but it may leave its mark in the form of skin scars. The skin is porous and...

How to Wean a Baby from Breastfeeding
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There comes a time when the baby needs to be weaned from breastfeeding and moved to other sources for getting the important nutrients. Mothers usually decide when to wean the baby, yet there are a lot of mothers who let their baby decide when he is ready for...

What is child development?
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Child development is a process every child goes through. This process involves learning and mastering skills like sitting, walking, talking, skipping, and tying shoes. Children learn these skills, called developmental milestones, during predictable time...

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