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 5 Ways Having Less Money Made Me a Better Parent
Дом и уют   ·     ·    0

Several years ago our circumstances changed quite a bit when my husband left his established job to launch a business. I couldn\’t have been more supporting of his decision, and I was thrilled that he had the courage to follow his dream in such a big...

Money Secrets I Keep From My Mom
Психология   ·     ·    0

When it comes to my family, I\’m an open book. We\’ve gotten to the point now where we\’ve stopped judging each other\’s lifestyles … well, for the most part. By now we\’ve all done some pretty wild stuff, and nothing...

Creative and crazy ways to save money
Психология   ·     ·    0

Why does it feel like everyone is broke this time of year? Is it because we just got done paying off the holiday bills? Or are we all really broke? Whatever the reason, now is as good a time as any to start saving money. Oh, but you\’ve tried that and...

Cheap Brides Will Appreciate These Penny-Pinching Tips
Беременность и роды   ·     ·    0

Whenever I watch Platinum Weddings, I feel like I need to do something good for humankind afterward because that level of debauchery might lead to moral depletion. I just can’t wrap my mind around a woman, even a gung-ho bride, investing so much excess into...

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