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weight in pregnancy

Losing Weight While Pregnant
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A woman’s first thought when she gets pregnant, and often before, is «how do I avoid gaining too much weight?» But, what happens when a woman starts losing weight? Keep in mind that in the first trimester, the typical woman will only gain...

Why Is The Weight Gain During Second Pregnancy More Than The First One?
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Your second pregnancy differs than your first one in many aspects. One of the significant difference that you may take into account is your weight gain. When you get pregnant for the first time most probably you might have had a fit and fabulous body. The...

I Am Pregnant And Overweight. How Does It Affect My Baby?
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It is quite likely that your being overweight will not have any effect on your baby. However, being overweight, even when you are not pregnant, puts you at risk of several health problems. Irrespective of the fact that you can still have a safe pregnancy and...

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