When Will Morning Sickness StopOne of the main issues women face during pregnancy is morning sickness. It is usually quite common during the first trimester, and that’s when most women want to know exactly when it will come back to normal.

When will morning sickness endis a common question, but women should actually be asking more about how to make them feel better while it lasts. In order to find some relief, it is important for you to understand the basics of morning sickness first.

When Does Morning Sickness End?

Morning sickness is mainly when you feel nauseous during your first trimester. It may or may not accompany with vomiting. You experience this situation mainly due to abrupt changes in your hormones. Many doctors are of the view that morning sickness is in fact a good thing and is usually a sign that the placenta is developing well.

It is not easy being in a situation when you feel nauseous every time you get up in the morning. There is no clear answer to this question, but it usually gets better between 14 weeks and 16 weeks. It may not clear completely though and you may experience varying levels of nausea until 20 weeks. Sometimes, it keeps affecting you throughout your pregnancy. This is usually quite rare, especially when you take steps to correct the issue.

It is a good idea to go see your doctor if you have a headache or feel nauseous after nine weeks of pregnancy. Nausea, vomiting, pain, and headache are usually signs that something else is not right.

Warnings and Precautions

When does morning sickness end is a common question from women because no one understands what they’re actually going through. The situation can become worse when you don’t use help – it often leads to depression as well. Simply by discussing it all with a fellow sufferer will you be able to feel better.

Your morning sickness can be of different types, but the most severe form is hyperemesis gravid arum (HG). If you’re suffering from HG, you’ll have to deal with excessive vomiting. In case your morning sickness accompanies with excessive vomiting and makes it difficult for you to drink or eat, this could be due to HG.  Most HG sufferers lose weight as well, which could be dangerous for the sufferer as well as the baby. You should talk to your doctor if you’re noticing symptoms of HG.

How to Alleviate Morning Sickness

When does morning sickness stodepends on many things, but instead of waiting for it to go away, you should take some steps to alleviate it. Here’s a bit more about what you should or should not do when experiencing morning sickness.

  • Don’t eat large meals; instead eat smaller meals more often
  • Don’t drink fluid with meals; instead drunk half an hour before or after your meals
  • Keep drinking water to keep you hydrated throughout the day
  • Avoid cooking if the odor makes you feel nauseous; instead ask someone else to do it for you
  • Take plenty of rest throughout the day and avoid warm places as much as you can
  • Drink lemonade, sniff ginger, or eat watermelon to keep nausea under control
  • Don’t forget to exercise to ensure you don’t feel nauseous all the time
  • Avoid skipping meals and never lie down right after eating your meals
  • Don’t leave it untreated and keep your doctor informed of your situation

Other People’s Experience and Advice

«This is my second pregnancy. I felt extremely nauseous during my first pregnancy, and I kept asking,»When does morning sickness end?»Things aren’t great this time around, but I did not feel as bad as it was during my first pregnancy. My morning sickness is still there even though I’m ten weeks now. My morning sickness wasn’t that serious after 14 weeks during my first pregnancy, and I am hoping for the same this time as well. Just like the first time, I try to eat something every couple of hours because I feel ill when my blood sugar level drops. Eating ice cream, sniffing ginger, and pressing a point on my wrist really help me keep my morning sickness under control.»

«Go ask your mom, family, sisters, or grandma about their experience. Ask them how it was when they became pregnant for the first time. I did the same and figured a pattern in the morning sickness everyone in our family feels during pregnancy. Although everyone is different, most women in our family find some relief from morning sickness by 12-14 weeks. It was the same with me as well. Remember, not all women are the same, so you things might work differently in your case. It is a good idea to consult your OB and ask for some medication to handle things better.»