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Pigmentation During Pregnancy
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Numerous changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman, including hyperpigmentation, which is darkening of the skin. This change is often noticeable during the first trimester. Around 90 percent of pregnant women report hyperpigmentation on specific body...

Diarrhea in Early Pregnancy
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Diarrhea is defined as stool with a consistency that is looser than normal stool or watery stool; they can also be associated with urgency and a frequency higher than normal. Due to the hormonal forces at work during early pregnancy, it is quite common to...

Medications for Morning Sickness
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Morning sickness is common and is the feeling of nausea that pregnant women experience during their first trimester of pregnancy. Most of the time it will begin in the morning, but wear off throughout the day as you become more active. Most of the medications...

Shortness of Breath During Pregnancy
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When you are pregnant, especially during the last trimester, the expectant mother will experience an increase in shortness of breath as the uterus expands, limiting the lungs capacity. The pregnancy hormones also stimulate increased breathing to help...

Is It Normal To Have A Bigger Bump During Second Pregnancy?
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Unlike your first pregnancy, you have several factors to compare your second pregnancy with. The most common feature (that differs from that of your previous pregnancy) and which attracts your attention during your second pregnancy is your pregnancy bump. How...

Overdue Pregnancy- Why Is My Baby Late?
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Passing the due date without the symptoms of much-awaited labor will put you in a confused and anxious situation. A pregnant woman focusses on her due date with lots of anticipation and anxiety, especially during the last month of your pregnancy. However, you...

Slipping During Pregnancy – How Dangerous Is It?
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Falling is the one thing pregnant women must be most cautious of and are pretty much scared of. But an accidental fall during pregnancy which can be both alarming and dangerous is not uncommon. The studies in this field have shown that around 27% of women...

Driving During Pregnancy – Car And Two-Wheeler Safe Driving Tips
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An increasing number of women are becoming independent and resort to their own conveyance! It’s not unusual to spot women buzzing on their mopeds or checking their makeup behind the wheels. This is an absolute bliss till you begin your journey towards...

Top 12 Causes Of Low Birth Weight In Babies
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Low birth weight is one of the prominent ‘new baby concern’ for most parents. Let us try to understand this phenomenon better. What Is Considered As Low Birth Weight In Babies? A baby whose birth weight is less than 2.5 kilograms is considered to have low...

Как заполучить мужчину своей мечты?
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Мы прочитали сотни статей о том, что мужчины находят привлекательным в женщинах и как они должны завоевывать сердца своих избранниц, так как...

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