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Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancy
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The literal meaning of the word ectopic is ‘out of place’. A pregnancy is referred to as ectopic pregnancy when instead of implanting into the uterus, the egg implants at another site. The most common site of ectopic pregnancy is the fallopian tube, so...

Constipation During Pregnancy
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When you are pregnant, one thing is certain: Your body is going through a lot of changes, some of which you won’t understand. From morning sickness to strange aches and pains to constipation, being pregnant is quite the adventure! Speaking of constipation,...

How do Implantation Cramps Feel and How to Confirm Pregnancy
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If you are trying to conceive, it can seem like an eternity between when you ovulate and when you are finally able to use an at home pregnancy test. The problem is during this two week waiting period, you are only (potentially) about four weeks pregnant so...

Back Pain in Early Pregnancy
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Experiencing back pain in early pregnancy might be a common phenomenon in most pregnant women; however, it should be avoided as much as possible. Estimations show that about 50% to 80% of pregnant women experience some form of back pain during the period of...

Sugar Level During Pregnancy, What’s Normal?
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The form of diabetes which develops during pregnancy is known as gestational diabetes. This condition has become predominant in the recent pastaccording to the 2009 article in American Family Physician. For instance, in the United States alone, it affects...

Pregnant Belly
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When you are pregnant or even just trying to conceive, it is natural to have a lot of questions concerning what you should expect. It is normal to wonder what is happening inside of you and what changes your body will go through.  Our month-by-month pregnant...

Pregnant and Cramping
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As your body changes and develops to respond to your pregnancy, it is common to experience cramping. This sensation may feel like someone is pulling on the sides of your abdomen and generally begins during the first trimester. This is not considered a symptom...

How to Tell If You’re Having a Boy
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If you’re expecting a baby, you probably have heard just about every wives’ tale on how to tell if you’re having a boy or girl. Your mom, your grandmother, your aunts all have tricks they claim can tell you what you will be having. Many old...

Body Temperature During Pregnancy
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Pregnancy is an exciting yet confusing period for expectant mothers. This is because the body undergoes many changes. A lot of first time mothers are unsure about the body changes to expect and this could lead to a lot of confusion and anxiety. One of the...

Thirst in Early Pregnancy
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It is normal for expectant mothers to have many questions about the changes in their bodies, especially if it is their first pregnancy. Sometimes it can be overwhelming to battle food cravings or nausea while watching your body gradually change. Many of the...

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