Back Pain in Early PregnancyExperiencing back pain in early pregnancy might be a common phenomenon in most pregnant women; however, it should be avoided as much as possible.

Estimations show that about 50% to 80% of pregnant women experience some form of back pain during the period of pregnancy. This form of backache may be mild back pain associated with certain specific activities, while others may be acute back pain that may eventually become chronic.

This kind of back pains may largely interfere with your sleep or even some other daily activities; however, there are steps which can be taken to curb or manage that back pain during the early stages of pregnancy.

Why Do You Have Back Pain in Early Pregnancy?

First of all, if you are pregnant you will experience backaches, which happens due to loosening of the ligaments of the back. As the ligaments stretch, most pregnant women will have that kind of back pain early in their pregnancy. However, in some women, it may not last for quite a while, in others it may take time to go away.

The back pains may also be caused by carrying a heavy pregnancy like twins, which automatically will have a greater impact on your posture pushing your back more to maintain your posture. The back pain might go all through your pregnancy as your weight gain shifts the center of gravity of your body, throwing your posture a little bit out of position.

Experience of One Mom

“I had some extreme lower back pain in my first trimester. When I went to see my chiropractor, he did some massaging on my back with adjustments. He said that the back pain was caused by ligament loosening. However, this pain eventually went away by week 16. After that, I engaged in some safe pregnancy Yoga positions which improved my pregnancy state so much.”

How to Relieve Back Pain in Early Pregnancy

1. Exercise. Exercising is very important for pregnant mothers; it boosts flexibility while strengthening muscles. It eases the stress on your spine, relieving you of back pain. Some safer exercises include swimming, walking and stationery cycling. Your doctor can recommend other relevant exercises which are safe.

2. Heat and Cold. When you apply heat or cold to your back it may help you greatly. You can consult your doctor before embarking on a routine of putting cold compresses on the painful regions on your back for up to about 20 minutes. And after three days you can change to heat.

3. Posture. When you slouch during pregnancy, it may strain your spine. You should ensure that you use a good posture any time especially while sitting, sleeping and even when working. For instance, sleeping on your side with a pillow between your knees can take stress off your back.

4. Massage. A slow gentle massage will soothe the tired and aching muscles. You can lean forward over the chair’s back and let your partner massage your back gently. Don’t forget the muscles that run on either side of your spine. It is better to see a trained massage therapist or physiotherapy for these services.

5. Don’t Stand or Sit for Long Periods. If you can’t help it, you can use a stool or a box to prop up one foot especially when sitting. Taking frequent breaks may be very essential when standing for a long time.

When to Contact Your Healthcare Provider

When you experience mild back pain in early pregnancy, it may not be enough reason to visit a health care provider because these backaches are eminent during pregnancy. However, there are some circumstances that may need a doctor’s intervention. Here are some of the extreme cases that may need you to contact a doctor:

  • Severe back pain.
  • Abrupt on-set or increasingly severe back pain.
  • Rhythmic cramping pains, this is a sign of preterm labor.

Sometimes severe back pain during pregnancy may be associated with vertebral osteoarthritis, osteoporosis or septic arthritis. These may be rare but, you can check with your health care provider.

Other Symptoms You May Experience in Early Pregnancy

Pregnant mothers will usually have certain symptoms during the initial stages of pregnancy apart from back pain. This table below shows other symptoms that may be experienced in early pregnancy.



Shortness of breath This usually occurs since both your baby and you require oxygen, thus leaving you short of breath. This may continue through you pregnancy.
Sore breasts The breasts may feel tender and start to darken at around the areolas; this can be a sign of pregnancy.
Fatigue Sometimes you may feel exhausted; this is due to the increased hormone activity in your body when you are pregnant.
Nausea This feeling will mostly start at around six weeks after conceiving. It may be accompanied by morning sickness. It eventually goes away as you enter the 2nd trimester.
Frequent urination When you have frequent trips to the loo, it’s a sign that you are pregnant. The body produces extra fluids during pregnancy.
Headaches The changes in hormones during pregnancy may result in headaches. You can take the safe acetaminophen to curb the pain.
Cravings If food issues start coming in, like your appetite craves for certain food, it may be the ultimate sign of pregnancy.
Cramping It can be either PMS or pregnancy, as a sign of pregnancy your uterus will be stretching to prepare for the baby, and that’s why you will have cramps.
Mood swings You will get mood swings when you are pregnant; this is due to hormonal changes in your body.
Constipation and bloating You will feel a little puffy or even backed up, it is due to the extra progesterone caused by pregnancy.
Super smell You may certainly get repulsed with certain smells, or even have an increased sensitivity to odors.
Dizziness or fainting High blood pressure or low blood sugar during pregnancy may be the cause of dizziness and fainting as well.