Divination in the night before Christmas: how to tell fortunes girl on guyOh, ladies love to look into the future and to learn his fate. Surely you are the child climbed into the attic, lit a candle and tried to summon the spirits or to find a mate.

Since ancient times girls loved to guess it for Christmas, it’s time for miracles and magic. Eve removed all bans for supernatural forces.

Of course, the most popular question in the beautiful ladies the question remains about the groom. How to tell fortunes by the name of the guy, his former or to a crucial meeting? In our article we will tell you about the various methods of divination.

We’ll start with the most simple divination. Before you go to bed, put on the table a pitcher of water and mug. Next, say the following words: \»true love is fake, way off the road tire, I have some water, go to school, I’ll give you a drink.” In the dream, you should see their future husband.

Of course, you can guess and with the help of a mirror. Nervice spruce branches and take a small mirror. Put it under the bed and lay sprigs around. In the mirror you should write the name of the guy who you see in the role of husband. In the morning, look at the reflection. If your message will disappear soon wedding. If the name will not be erased – it is not your destiny.

For the next divination will need water. Take a plate or a bowl, pour water and bring to the balcony. In the morning, look in the frozen water. If the water is frozen tubercles husband is rich, and if the surface is smooth is good.

For divination, you can use the book. Just choose the edition of spiritual or religious content. You can take the Bible. Ask a question that you want to get the answer. Next, sit in silence and make any page and line. For example, page 42 the fifth line from the top. Open the page and read the line.

To tell fortunes at the guy with cards

You will need a deck of 36 cards. Select four jacks and put them next to each other face down. Take a piece of paper, draw on all four suits of jacks and under each of them write one name of his admirers, of which you would like to marry. You can write under one of the suits \»Stranger”. Thus, the selection will consist of four men.

Beyond lay all the cards that were left under each Jack. They will symbolize your future groom. Worms mean love, peaks quarrels, crosses – money and the diamonds – how many children in the marriage. Now for the fun part: you must remove one of diamonds, life with whom you do not like.

This worst case scenario should be removed together with the cards. Next, there are three jacks. Also arrange the cards that are left, and again remove the worst scenario. Do it until then, until there is one Jack. Can flip it over and see who will become your husband .

To tell fortunes by the name of the guy

If you want to know the name of her future husband, leave at midnight on the street and become a middle of the road. If the first passers-by will be a man, ask her name. So they will call your betrothed.

There are other ways. On pieces of paper, write each of the male given name. One leaf leave blank. Next, fold the slips in a hat or box and mix. Pull the left hand one sheet at random. This name and will be called the future groom. If blank, no name ideal.