Effective Tips to Cure Morning Sickness In Second PregnancyYou had a blissful pregnancy if you had not experienced morning sickness, but that percentage of women is comparatively less to those who experienced it.

A new study suggests that there may be a hidden benefit in all that discomfort experienced during pregnancy. There has been a very strong evidence found by the scientists claiming that vomiting and nausea during pregnancy is associated with low risk of miscarriage which also backs up the myth that morning sickness is a good sign to indicate a well developing baby.

Vomiting and nausea does give a hard time if you are pregnant for the first time, but second time around will be a lot less stressful on your body and mind if you reassure yourself that this is a sign of good health and development for the foetus.

When does vomiting start during second pregnancy?

Vomiting and nausea starts somewhere around 6 weeks and lasts till the first trimester. Very rarely, some women experience vomiting right until the day of delivery too. Just like how every baby is unique, so is each pregnancy, women to women or first or second.

The food we crave, shape of the baby bump, skin conditions and our mood swings can all be very different from our first to our second and subsequent pregnancies. Some may not have experienced any morning sickness at all in their first pregnancy whereas they may be triggered due to the smallest of smells also in their second.

What is Hyperemesis Gravidarum?

Although many women face a lot of vomiting and nausea in their pregnancy, this is generally harmless to the mother as well as baby. Morning sickness may be uncomfortable for the mother and can go up to 12 weeks. Hyperemesis gravidarum (HG) is known to be an extreme form of morning sickness that leads to severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. There arew chances that the mother may begin to feel extremely sick, dehydrated and tired due to this. Immediate medical attention is required if Hyperemesis Gravidarum is experienced.

Morning sickness vs. Hyperemesis Gravidarum

  • It may seem similar but in reality, morning sickness and HG are very different conditions experienced during pregnancy. Each have their different complications and side effects for pregnant women. It is very important to identify the correct condition and give proper treatment.
  • Morning sickness includes nausea accompanied by vomiting. These symptoms fade away after 12 to 14 weeks of gestation and this does not cause any dehydration. But when you have HG, it causes severe dehydration and fatigue which needs immediate medical attention.
  • HG includes nausea that lasts for the entire pregnancy and severe vomiting which leads to dehydration not allowing any food or fluid to stay in your system.
  • Morning sickness typically starts in the first month pf pregnancy and lasts till third or fourth month. Women who experience morning sickness may feel tired and slight appetite loss. For women who experience HG, these symptoms will be doubled and they may be feel extreme fatigue which leads to difficulty in performing daily activities.
  • HG symptoms begin during the first six weeks of pregnancy and the nausea symptom doesn’t go away at all. The symptoms of HG begin within the first six weeks of pregnancy, and nausea often doesn’t go away. HG will be extremely draining and this lasts for weeks or months together which is not the case with morning sickness.

What are the causes of nausea and vomiting during second pregnancy?

  • Oestrogen is another hormone that rises during early pregnancy and could contribute to queasiness.
  • A sensitive stomach could be made worse while trying to adapt to the changes of pregnancy.
  • Stress and fatigue causes a physical reaction within the body which leads to nausea and vomiting.

What are the treatments for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy?

Opposing to the popular belief that morning sickness cannot be cure, there are a few effective anti-emetics (anti sickness) medications that can be taken to combat morning sickness during the first trimester. HG is typically at its worst during the first trimester and it is very important that immediate treatment is given to the mother without any delay. That being said, there are number of prescriptions which are considered to be safe for consumption during pregnancy. Your doctor will be able to prescribe the most suitable one for you if need be.

Medications for Hyperemesis Gravidarum

A pregnant woman suffering from HG can be treated as an outpatient and should be monitored regularly. The weight of the patient and ketones in the urine should be monitored at each visit. Some women who have suffered from HG have noted a decrease in the symptoms of nausea and vomiting when they decreased their daily activities and had increased rest time.

Most of them also suggested that fresh air helped cope with the symptoms. In case the outpatient treatment fails, inpatient care might be needed for HG. This type of care is also required if severe fluid or electrolyte imbalance and nutritional compromise is experienced.

Tips to control vomiting during pregnancy

  1. Keep sipping water
  2. Suck a small piece of ginger or lemon or have ginger tea
  3. Chewing on fennel seeds
  4. Increase vitamin B6 intake
  5. Stay away from fried, fatty foods, which can be difficult to digest and cause vomiting.
  6. Pay close attention to nausea triggers and try to avoid them.
  7. You can have a cool, fruit-flavoured popsicle in the morning to keep morning sickness at bay.
  8. Avoid eating large meals. Instead eat several small meals throughout the day.

Foods to avoid

  • High-Mercury Fish as mercury is a highly toxic element and may harm the foetus.
  • Raw or undercooked fish as these can cause several infections.
  • Undercooked, Raw and Processed Meat.
  • Raw or undercooked Eggs
  • Caffeine, although it can be taken in very small doses.
  • Raw Sprouts
  • Unwashed Produce (fruits & vegetables)

How to prevent nausea after meals?

  1. Eat foods that can combat nausea
  2. Use fresh ginger in your food and drinks
  3. Eat less but more often
  4. Avoid foods that trigger nausea
  5. Drinking plenty of water
  6. Add sources of vitamin B6 to your diet

Suggested Foods

  • Cold foods such as sandwiches, raw vegetables and salad which is hygienically prepared to avoid listeria
  • Bland foods such as soups, broth and plain baked potato
  • Plain vegetables or fruits
  • Lots of nuts