Frequent Urination During PregnancyFrequent urination during pregnancy is normally viewed as an early symptom of pregnancy and many women will in fact notice their increased trips to the bathroom before other common pregnancy signs.

It’s certainly not an enjoyable experience for any woman and the urination can disrupt certain aspects of your life such as sleep. While it’s most common within the first trimester, some women will experience it until the last trimester.

During the second trimester, the need to urinate will decrease, as there is less pressure on the bladder. There are a few measures that you can take to combat the discomfort.

Why Do You Experience Frequent Urination During Pregnancy?

What Causes It? A hormone known as hCG may be to blame and this is because it increases blood flow into the pelvic area and the kidneys which then become more efficient at work.

Your body is able to get rid of waste faster which is a good thing considering you are expelling waste for two. The uterus also may be to blame and this is because it puts some pressure on the bladder, thus limiting storage of urine.

You will also notice that your trips to the bathroom increase at night and this is mostly because when you lie down, the fluids retained in the feet make their way back up into the blood stream and ultimately to the bladder.

Urination in Each Trimester



First Trimester

In the first trimester, frequent urination is mostly as a result of the hormonal changes and the expansion of the uterus which adds pressure to the bladder. This comes as no surprise considering that the uterus, which is the size of a fist, enlarges to provide accommodation for a baby that weighs between seven and 10 pounds.

Second Trimester

In the second trimester, some level of relief is experienced. This is because the uterus rises higher to the abdomen and puts less pressure on the bladder which in turn reverts the urination frequency to a more normal state. The relief is however only temporary as you will soon learn.

Third Trimester

Inthe third trimester which is the final stage in pregnancy, the urination frequency is at a high once again and this happens when the baby drops down to the pelvis area. This is in preparation for delivery which means that the uterus once again puts pressure on the bladder, limiting its hold and thus leading to the frequent urge to urinate. Most women will have to frequently wake up during the night to empty their bladders. If this becomes a problem for you, it’s recommended that you avoid fluids especially in the evening. However, you will still need to stay hydrated with the recommended six to eight glasses of water every day. Caffeinated beverages should be avoided because caffeine increases urination.

When Will Frequent Urination During Pregnancy Ease Up? The constant urge to pee will ease soon after birth and the frequent urination will stop. However, in the first few days after birth, you will urinate a lot more. This is a way of the body eliminating the extra fluids that were retained with pregnancy. This will ease up after about five days and your urination will revert to normal.

When Does Frequent Urination During Pregnancy Signal a Problem? If your frequent urination is accompanied by pain or a burning sensation, seek medical advice. You should also talk to a doctor when you feel the urge to urinate but only release a few drops as these may be signs of UTI. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is a common bacterial infection in expectant mothers and one that could develop into a kidney infection if left untreated. UTI has been known to cause early labor.

Will «Holding It» Cause Incontinence? Stress urinary incontinence is experienced by many women. Women with this condition tend to have a small release of urine when they laugh, cough, sneeze or undertake activities such as lifting heavy objects. This is most common in the last trimester and the postpartum period as well. This can be prevented by not holding urine in your bladder so pee when you need to.

What Can You Do About Frequent Urination During Pregnancy?

1. Do Kegel Exercises. Kegel exercises are recommended during pregnancy for many reasons. They help strengthen the muscles that surround the urethra which is the tube that expels urine from the body. Kegel exercises not only strengthen the muscles, they also tighten and relax these muscles along with those that surround the vagina and anus. These exercises help provide bladder control and the good thing about them is that they can be done anywhere and at your discretion.

2. Keep Hydrated. Keep your body well hydrated. Avoiding liquids will not help and this may even lead to dehydrating which can bring about UTI. Drink enough water during the day. Caffeine increases the urge to urinate so you might want to avoid caffeinated drinks such as: coffee, tea, soda and others.

3. Drink More in the Day and Less at Night. Decreasing your intake of beverages as the day progresses can help you get fewer disruptions at night. It is recommended that you drink plenty of fluids throughout the day especially in the morning and afternoon and decrease the intake in the evening. You can choose to cut back on drinks from 4 pm on as this will see you relieve yourself early in the evening and avoid the midnight trips to the bathroom.

4. Empty Your Bladder When Urinating. Empty your bladder completely by double voiding which is basically peeing twice in a row. Leaning forward while peeing also helps relieve the bladder completely and will see you take fewer trips to the bathroom.