Simple Tips to Save Money When Grocery ShoppingThe only thing worse than taking cranky toddlers or surly teens to the grocery store is getting to the register and having a heart attack when the totals ring up.

Money is tight and we need to make every dollar count. And while there are great ways to save, including store deals and printable coupons, you can also make your dollar go much further by following these easy-peasy tips. You’ll save cash, your sanity, and maybe even have some money left over for some chocolate. You totally deserve it.

Buy simple foods. Buy food in its most basic form to get the most food for your dollar. Get the head of lettuce instead of the bag and peel your own carrots. It takes more time, sure, but it’s totally worth it. And think of the priceless time you can spend with your kids showing them how to chop, or even practice their counting skills when portioning!

Beware of special displays. Don’t assume that special displays or displays at the end of an aisle — also called \»end caps” — have the best prices. They may actually be selling at full price but are there to tempt you. Don’t fall for their wily ways!

Check different departments. A type of cheese sold in the deli department might cost more than a different brand of the same type of cheese sold in the dairy department. So, so sneaky! Another sneaky grocery store trick? One brand of a type of nuts in the produce department might cost less than a different brand of the same type of nuts in the baking aisle. Keep to your list and keep your eyes open!

Watch prices at the register and check your receipt. Grocery stores change thousands of prices on items each week. That means there are thousands of opportunities for pricing errors. Some stores will give you an item free if you are overcharged, but it’s up to you to point it out. Politely!

Stick to your list and shop as quickly as possible. The longer you hang around, the more likely you are to veer from your list and spend more than you’d planned. Get in and get out! You can even make it a game to make it more fun for the kiddos!