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save money

 5 Ways Having Less Money Made Me a Better Parent
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Several years ago our circumstances changed quite a bit when my husband left his established job to launch a business. I couldn\’t have been more supporting of his decision, and I was thrilled that he had the courage to follow his dream in such a big...

How Your Phone Can Save You a Bundle on Groceries
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There’s more to your phone than just a way to keep your kids busy in the grocery store! By now you’ve likely heard about extreme couponing, and you may evenprint coupons online or from the newspaper and save a few bucks. But saving money while grocery...

The Real Price of Your Home-Cooked Meal
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We’ve all been there; you’re sitting at a restaurant and thinking, \»Why am I spending so much? I can make this at home!” So, the next time you get a craving, instead of taking the whole family out, just make the dish yourself and you will save a...

Simple Tips to Save Money When Grocery Shopping
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The only thing worse than taking cranky toddlers or surly teens to the grocery store is getting to the register and having a heart attack when the totals ring up. Money is tight and we need to make every dollar count. And while there are great ways to save,...

Money Secrets I Keep From My Mom
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When it comes to my family, I\’m an open book. We\’ve gotten to the point now where we\’ve stopped judging each other\’s lifestyles … well, for the most part. By now we\’ve all done some pretty wild stuff, and nothing...

Creative and crazy ways to save money
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Why does it feel like everyone is broke this time of year? Is it because we just got done paying off the holiday bills? Or are we all really broke? Whatever the reason, now is as good a time as any to start saving money. Oh, but you\’ve tried that and...

How to Start Learning to Save Money?
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Learning to save money is important for those experiencing income loss, out-of-control-debt or simply a desire for increased frugality. Whether you want to save money for long-term investing, to buy a new car or home, or just to increase your overall wealth,...

How to save money without a Job?
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Saving money is important for everyone; especially these days with high unemployment. But, even without a full-time job it possible to save money. Create a Budget. Savings starts at home and, unless you are an accountant and have a firm grip on how much you...

How to Save Money?
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For those of you not from one of the mountain states, King Soopers is a grocery store.  The chain is owned by Kroger whom you may know better. Anyway, way back in the day, just like all the other grocery stores, King Soopers started a shopper card program...

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