Lifesaving Tips To Help You Sail Through The First TrimesterSo your pregnancy is confirmed and you are sinking in the thoughts of how to make it one beautiful journey. You want to shop for all the fancy maternity dresses and want to set up a nursery soon.

You have already planned the kind of baby shower you want along with buying pregnancy books from the local book store. Hold on! while you are all excited for this 9 month journey, let us tell you that as of now you need to focus on some really important stuff, and that is certainly not hitting the local photo studio for that glam pregnancy photoshoot.

The first trimester of pregnancy can be a roller coaster ride altogether – with excitement giving way to nausea and happiness bringing in fatigue. Follow the below tips to ensure you ride in smoothly through the first trimester!

12 Awesome Tips To Help You Sail Through The First Trimester Easily

  1. Prenatal expert: The first thing that you should do once the test says you are positive, is to pick up the phone and call your doctor and fix an appointment. Time to start what you have been hearing the most- prenatal care. It is imperative that you seek a good prenatal expert. If you haven’t shortlisted one, ask your friends and family for some references or select someone with these tips. Remember, great pregnancy experiences and optimum maternal and fetal health can only be achieved through the right prenatal care. Make your first appointment and you are on the right track.
  2. Pregnancy do’s and don’ts: Pregnancy comes with its own list of do’s, don’ts and confusions. Now that your baby’s health is of paramount importance to you, you’d be thinking “Is it safe?” before you eat or drink anything. Whether it is the much debated papaya, the mango, the lemon juice or that cup of caffeine. You need to familiarize yourself with the safe things, without being paranoid. And do that right.
  3. Dress right: Nausea, exhaustion, fatigue and mood swings would have made their way into your life by now. Though your bump doesn’t show as yet, but you should avoid to dress in anything that makes you uncomfortable. Ditch the fashion fabrics and opt for lighter, breathable clothes. Wear clothes that make it easier to pee, because, you will be frequenting the bathroom!
  4. Keep barf bags handy: You do not know where and when you need to puke, so keeping a few barf bags handy would be ideal. Stock some of them in the car, at your workplace and in your bag. They can be easily disposed when used, and will be a blessing when a loo is not in close sight. We know, you’d be thanking us for this one!
  5. Eat healthy: Yes, you know that already. All of us do, all our lives, don’t we? Pregnancy is , however, a great time to get some healthy food in, all for the baby’s sake. Stock your fridge with fresh ingredients and opt for home-cooked healthy food. If you can, cook for yourself, taking into consideration the tiniest details. Avoid junk food, and if your mind craves for the chaats and the golgappas, this is what you should do.
  6. Stay hydrated: The golden rule. As the baby grows inside you so do the blood volumes. And to support this growth, you need to drink plenty of fluids. Drinking enough fluids will also keep constipation at a bay, plus reduce your chances of running into pregnancy complications like pre-term labor. Coconut water can be a huge blessing during pregnancy. Plain water is also magical. Stay away from caffeine, sodas, and artificial juices though.
  7. Maintain a journal: If you like, maintaining a dream journal would be a great way to reconnect with your pregnancy after a few years. Record how you feel, the news, the anticipation, the apprehensions and even the confusion. The baby’s first ultrasound, the first time you spotted the nose, the first kick. Wow! That’d be an amazing way to go through your pregnancy, yet again.
  8. Exercise: If you haven’t been the ‘health freak’ till now, we bet you would be so in the coming few weeks. When it comes to the baby, all mothers want the best. Yes, you haven’t gotten up at 5 ever since you finished school, you may want t do that and take a walk or do some prenatal yoga. Let us list you just one benefit of exercising during pregnancy – the labor will be smoother and easier.
  9. Plan your maternity leave: If you are working, it makes good sense to figure and understand your company’s maternity leave and benefits. Even if you do not want to spill the beans as yet, it is a wise idea to seek ideas from fellow colleague, talk to HR and go through the company’s polices. Breaking the news to your boss should follow suit soon.
  10. Budget for the baby: If you have been planning a baby for some time now, we are sure you would have your finances sorted. However, if this is a surprise, it makes it imperative to sit with your spouse and discuss how to take your pregnancy further with respect to the financial viewpoint.
  11. When and who to tell: You would find it incredibly difficult to contain the news to yourself. But don’t just go announcing it to everyone who comes your way. Pregnancy is a delicate matter and if you are an Indian, you’d be warned to keep the news a ‘secret’ till atleast 3 months. After that, it anyway shows. When is the right time to announce your pregnancy?
  12. Watch out: First trimester is also the time when the chances of a miscarriage are the highest. Add the morning sickness and the constant fatigue, it is not uncommon to be anxious. Exercise caution not to slip or fall, and some signs like spotting or bleeding. Anything that makes you feel uncomfortable should be reported to the doctor before it is too late.

Following above tips will make you enjoy your first trimester and will also pave the way for great second and third trimesters. Happy Pregnancy!