Staying Fit During PregnancyDuring pregnancy it is very necessary to keep yourself physically and mentally fit. For the physical fitness there are a number of light exercises which one can try during pregnancy.

But before starting any exercise you must consult your doctor. One thing which should necessarily be a part of your daily routine is walk. It is not compulsory to go for only morning walk; you may do it in the evening when you feel free and comfortable.

It is pertinent to mention that morning walk has got its own unique benefits for the body and mind. But again pregnant ladies should keep in mind one most important thing which is, \»you need not to exert yourself while walking or exercising or driving”.

Being physically active during pregnancy keeps the mood elevated and improves sleep along with preventing gestational diabetes. It relives of aches and pains that pregnancy brings along.

You might have heard everywhere about meditation. Yes! Practicing it is one of the best gifts you give to your baby. Meditation not only keeps your body relaxed but also fulfills positivity within you.

When you practice it your baby’s mind get stronger and a positive environment surrounds you and your baby. Preferred and good time to practice it is in the morning in a peaceful corner of the house. Sometimes expecting mothers are full of various kinds of fears related to baby’s health, delivering baby, taking care of it etc.

Share it with your close ones if you have any such fear and feel relaxed. Mediation helps you to achieve peace of mind and get rid of negative feelings. If you smoke or drink you should immediately stop it!

Try to follow healthy lifestyle, eat healthy. During pregnancy woman are always advised to read books related to religion, God or pregnancy. You may choose your own book to read but it should be good book which influences your baby positively. Yoga may also be practiced, but only under guidance.

One should try avoiding junk food during pregnancy period and should focus on fruits, vegetables, juices. Whatever you eat will affect your baby’s health, also when the baby is in womb you are like creating a base for him/her by following healthy lifestyle.

It is up to large extent in mother’s hand to give birth to a physically and mentally fit child. Add high protein food to your diet such as eggs, pulses, soya nuggets etc. Take small portion at regular interval like in every two hours.

Eat dry fruits on regular basis especially walnuts and almonds. Coconut water is one of the most refreshing and energizing drink which should regularly be consumed by pregnant ladies. You can also consult your doctor for the diet chart specifically for you.

Remember to keep stress at an arms length and involve yourself in things you love the most. Do not tire yourself beyond your limits and stay cheerful and happy. If you are working, inform your seniors and subordinates accordingly, and do not take unnecessary pressures.

Try not to take on new assignments and wear comfortable clothes Ask for a better seating arrangement and try taking frequent breaks for small energy snacks. Relax, deep breathe and stay blessed.